Alla kan bidra med det lilla man kan och har i kampen mot orättvisa och krigselände. / Roba
Artisten, krönikören och Palestinavännen Nabila har precis anlänt till Libanon. Hon ska under tre månader arbeta tillsammans med unga tjejer i palestinska flyktingläger. Resan har hon i stort bekostat själv. Ett bidrag på 4 000 kr som hon utlovats och räknat med har uteblivit. Dessa pengar saknas och det är där vi kommer in. Alla bidrag är välkomna. Projektet är seriöst och angeläget. Nabila är en person som alltid ställt upp för Palestina - därav denna min uppmaning. Se Nabilas korta projektbeskrivning på engelska nedan. Nabilas hemsida. Nabilas blog från vilken hon skriver om sin Libanonresa:
Bankkontonr till Nabila Abdul Fattah: Nordea 3300 810604 0424 Hello! My name is Nabila Abdul Fattah. I am 25 years old and I was born in Beirut but moved to Sweden in 1984 because of the civil war. I am a socialpedagouge and my main focus is on youths. I was in Lebanon this summer right before the war started but we had to leave after 2 weeks because of the situation. Ever since we came back I´ve been thinking about how I could come back and help in any way I can. So among a lot of other things I decided that I want to come down and teach girls self defence. I have trained Tae Kwon Do witch is Korean martial arts for 2 years, Thai Boxing for a year and now I train Krav Maga witch is more based on self defence. In the whole world it is known that women and children are the ones that suffers the most from injustice. Womenabuse and rape has come to be something common and almost accepted especially in parts of the world where the population has it tough either economically or if they are in or just have finished a war. So I am thinking about this project when I come down to Lebanon: To teach girls from the age 15 and up how to defend themselves in necessary situations. It will be if someone tries to strangle them, kidnap them, hit them etc. I know that this will maybe seem as really provocative that we teach girls how to defend themselves against men but one good argument is that we teach girls how to defend themselves against strangers..not men. Against kidnappers and rapist, not family members. Some people could say that this is not what the girls need. They need to get education and food and shelter. And yes that may be the case but until that is fixed girls and women should feel secure and safe and confident enough to fix a situation on their own if they should ever be attacked. One of the human beings fundamental needs is to feel safe to change his/her life, and that is what I want to offer. Even if they wouldn't ever be attacked, just the knowledge that they CAN fight back gives them more confidence to handle other things in life. The class will be mixed with talk about female oppression and learn different ways to bring your opponent down. We will talk about why girls need to defend themselves and that the most important thing is not to learn how to kick or hit but to learn how to change your mind from making yourself a victim to someone who wont accept to be oppressed. This class will be for 2 hours and its completely free of charge. The only thing I need will be a place to be at when we train. The girls doesn't have to be professional fighters when they come to me, because it will be basic training that anyone can do. I would be happy if you would take part of this project if you find it interesting or if you want to change something just tell me. I want this to be suitable for the women and girls You work for. Nabila Abdul Fattah
24 november 2006
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